‘Rastaccun‘, is our latest EP featuring 4 new explosive songs written during the pandemic. The EP will take you through a journey with a sense of void after you’ll listen to the first few notes, but as each song progresses the journey will lead to a triumphant ending.

On to greener pastures, and a new Garaxx

The time has come for us to leave the mold infested shit-hole where so much of our beer and bud-fueled creativity took place. We actually feel terrible for whichever band ends up replacing us, if ANY. This room is sure to take years off their lives. Hopefully it’ll provide inspiration, as it seemed to for us throughout the last two years.

While none of us will miss this old garage, we expect the next few months of searching for / transitioning to a new garage will be a massive pain in the ass, and hugely destabilizing ordeal. Short term pain for long term gain, is how we’re all seeing it. Mana Tapu has outgrown the shoe-box shit hole from the past, and it’s time to seek greener pastures, or at least, a more spacious, less mold infested, cleaner, empty concrete room.

And today as we were uploading songs to our shiny new Soundcloud page (yes, we know it’s ridiculous we’re only just now getting around to this now) we got a little nostalgic and decided it might be a good idea to release a collection of super low quality recordings we’ve assembled throughout our time in this old garage. We might even call it “I’m Hearing Noise From The ManaTapu Garaxx”.

We’ll keep you posted on the hunt for the new GARAXX 🙂