ManaTapu at SpineSplitterStudio
2017 Arts Council granted to support TuaTara
The Mana was felt first time when Manatapu members started dismantling their instruments and loading everything into their cars;
It was studio time!
The physical journey of recording a full-length album to be called Tuatara.
Pre production was turned around what means that vocals were recorded first and drums last.
Vocals first, Dario and Jogy, second guitars followed by bass?
How else do you migrate a drummer!
New drummer Ryan Abela and bassist Aaron Dimech mastered the songs in less than 4 weeks and even wrote the new songs right away, with sometimes having just an acapella vocal track as guide.
Spinesplitter: Let’s get serious!
First was the drums. Newly joined member Ryan Abela banged his heart out on the drumkit led by the sharp guidance of engineer David Depasquale, followed by Aaron Dimech putting down the bass tracks for the 11 songs.
Songwriting was a big part in the studio and many sections in the songs did not exist before entering David Depasquales Spine Splitter Studio.
Just in time!
As usual, Tete aka Camacho Criminal arrives from Spain and lights the studio up directed by Pupachile himself. Percussion, Vocals and other ambient sounds were created just on the spot as blunt as raw
1st May 01:00 Am sharp and one day before printing deadline, the songs were sent.