10 Things You Didn’t Know About US!
We’re ever so grateful to have been featured this week on Malta’s awesome mikebugeja.com blog, with a riveting piece on all the weird little things you may or may not already know about the dynamic sextuplet known as, well, us. The curiosity about how the hell we ever even formed as a band, or have managed to stay together, is one subject of interest. The article also references some of the shows we’ve got coming up over the next three weeks, closing the Malta Street Art Festival in Valletta, playing on the closing night of Farson’s Beer Fest right before Fakawi, and finally, headlining the closing night of Muzika Fest in Gozo. And last but not least, it talks about Fran’s cool work with the Freedom Fighters in Malta, about Pupa’s side-project Pon Di Corner, and about the album Andrew recorded with Addington Lennox, while freezing his nuts off last winter in Montreal. Big up to Michael Bugeja for putting this piece together, and being a cool dude, as usual!!